Package-level declarations


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Type of counter value to compare with minimal and maximal values if them defined.

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Type of the metric to evaluate code coverage.

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Entity type for grouping code to coverage evaluation.

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Configure Kover binary Report.

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Type for customizing report variants shared by the current project.

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Marker annotation for public DSL of the Kover Gradle Plugin.

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Configure Kover HTML Report.

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Configuration of coverage printing to the log for current report variant.

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Configuring a merged report.

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Instrumentation settings for all included projects.

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Create custom report variant in all included projects.

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Limit the classes that will be included in the reports for all included projects.

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object KoverNames

An object with public names of Kover objects that can be accessed by this name.

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Configuration scope.

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Project extension for Kover Gradle Plugin.

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Instrumentation settings for the current Gradle project.

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Exclusion or inclusion class filter for Kover reports.

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Filters to exclude classes from reports

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Configuration of Kover reports.

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Type to configure report set for a specific variant

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Common config for Kover report variants.

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The type for creating a custom report variant.

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Limit the classes that will be included in the reports. These settings do not affect the instrumentation of classes.

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Configuration to specify verification rules.

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Describes a single bound for the verification rule to enforce; Bound specifies what type of coverage is enforced (branches, lines, instructions), how coverage is aggregated (raw number or percents) and what numerical values of coverage are acceptable.

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interface KoverVerifyRule

Describes a single Kover verification task rule (that is part of Gradle's verify), with the following configurable parameters:

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Configuration of the coverage's result verification with the specified rules.

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Stable reference point for various versions that Kover leverages.

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Configure Kover XML Report.